Presented by EA Game Changers The Sims 4 Realm of Magic adds a new collection to the game called Magical Artifacts. It also adds two new plants to the Gardening collection. Magical Artifacts The Magical Artifacts collection is comprised of wands, broomsticks, and familiars. Unlike most other collections in the game, every item in this. I hope this helps some of you to enjoy the sims 4 custom hair while also having your game run smoothly. P.S: Screenshots are provided to show what the graphics and hair looks like in these settings!
sims 4 hair cc folder google drive
February 12, 2021 in Uncategorized
Launch the game, and a new mods folder will be generated in the sims 4 folder… Oct 14, 2018 - Explore Sims 4 CC's board 'maxis match hair', followed by 131 people on Pinterest. An easy way to fix this is by removing those files and installing some default replacement eyes which have been updated and are HQ mod compatible.I’ll link Praline’s below ‘cause she has already updated hers. Otherwise, your sim won’t look like mine. This will create a new Electronic Arts folder with The Sims 3 in it in your documents. Place custom content files into the Mods folder … Hair in Hair Section. Hands Accessories in Left Bracelet/Handle Section. sims 4 ts4 cc download the sims 4 my cc natural hair hair mody cas sims ts4 ea maxis match pretty base game cc kids sweet sweetkids s4cc mod 4 notes Oct 29th, 2020 Open in app How To Add Custom Content To Sims 4. for those who have problems with the mediafire link I’ve added a google drive link unfortunately I haven’t been able to … since i dont want to go back over finding so many mods again, is there any recommended folders? ... download via google drive no ad ... // Unzip the downloaded file and place all those files into your Sims 4 Tray folder, which can be found at Documents » Electronic Arts » The Sims 4 » Tray.. Don’t forget to download all the custom content listed. Curly hair The Sims 4/ LAYOVER IN PALM. Find friends, and even find amazing artists here. Step 3. billsims-cc:. See more ideas about maxis match, sims hair, sims 4 mm. See more ideas about sims 4, sims 4 cc, sims. Content for Sims 3 and Sims 2 also come in .package files, but putting Sims 3 or Sims 2 files in your game won't work and will cause the game to run slowly. Maxis Match CC World - S4CC Finds Daily, FREE downloads for The Sims 4 elias hair male Sims 4 Maxis Match elias hair;“This hair was sort of inspired by the Royalty mod by @llazyneiph and I wanted to make a ‘prince-like’ hair to go with it so this came to existence. I have both a desktop and laptop running windows 10 and got OneDrive and was thinking. download them merged on google drive. Need hair for Sims of wonderful diverse colors and cultures? Artists' share photos and custom contents here. Curly hair The Sims 4 AOHIRI FooFeeDoo Camilla Recoloured. However, now when I open Sims 4 it's been completely reset and it wouldn't show my saves until I copied them from the original electronic arts folder into the OneDrive electronic arts folder. Discover more posts about sims 4 tray files. ^_^! Find friends, and even find amazing artists here. on Pinterest. Sims 4 Teen Sims Four Sims 4 Toddler Sims Cc Afro Hair Sims 4 Cc Sims 4 Curly Hair Curly Hair Styles Sims 4 Cc Kids Clothing Sims 4 Mods Clothes More information ... People also love these ideas If you have any problems regarding the pack let me know. Log in Sign up. Today is a sad day. They are installed in Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods. The sims 4 My CC folder Download The game will then repair itself and basically do a fresh install of the files needed to run The Sims 4. What is Custom Content and how does it make the game more fun? 4 de janeiro de 2020 Fashion The Sims 4. Step 4. Artists' share photos and custom contents here. the sims 4; 637 notes . 4 de janeiro de 2020 Fashion The Sims 4. FOLLOW THE LINK HERE GOOGLE DRIVE. As many have noted, there are big problems with displaying images on the site. Is your Documents -electronic arts -sims 4 folder on the E drive also? Chillax Hair Pack (CC folder) A Custom content folder with 4 different hairs from LeahLilith and Simpliciaty Reminder: I do not own any custom content that may be found on the folder. In The Sims 3, Sims could have multiple tones in their hair; combine that with Create A Style, and you could do pretty much whatever you wanted, from dyed hair with apparent roots to crazy multi-coloured hair. 2 weeks ago. Step 5. Well look no further you will find here only hairs with an ethnic background ;) This is one of my fav new categories here on my pinboard. alpha cc, download sim, female sim download, Katverse, s4, sims 4, Sims 4 CAS, sims 4 cc, sims 4 create a sim, sims 4 custom content, Sims 4 download sim, sims 4 mods, The Sims 4 Unzip the downloaded file and place all those files into your Sims 4 Tray folder, which can be found at Documents » Electronic Arts » The Sims 4 » Tray. Curly hair The Sims 4/MY BEACH IS BETTER. After launching The Sims 4 and enabling mods in your game, locate the Mods folder for The Sims 4. instead of copying the cc files into the mods folder, i had the EA mods folder opened and then i went to downloads from another folder, so both the mods folder and the other folder were on the screen at the same time. currently my sims 4 has around 3000 (or more) cc files, but my game has been taking its toll over time and i will have to clean it out soon. Has CC for every category in Build/Buy mode Jul 30, 2020 - Ashley Crews | SIMS 4 CAS + CC FOLDER AND SIM DOWNLOAD - YouTube 4 de janeiro de 2020 Fashion The Sims 4. Would I be able to force my Sims 4 documents folder save to my OneDrive and then play the same game on both Laptop and Desktop? Hair @simpliciaty-cc. It seems like the game has created a new folder in OneDrive and now saves there instead of in my documents. See more ideas about sims 4, sims, save file. In the case that you do need to delete a file that you've merged, if you've kept the un-merged files copied somewhere, simply delete the individual file you want to get rid of, and delete the merged. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Sims/lots go inside the Tray folder. This means no more lookbooks or such. They basically recoded the eyes, so the EyeColor_s and EyeColor_d files are no longer compatible. Find Sims 4 cc in SimsDay. Sep 6, 2020 - Explore 's board 'sims 4 cc hair' on Pinterest. The default path for your Sims 4 folder is located in your Documents folder. Mar 20, 2020 - Finally, we have enough hairs for their own category. all base game compatible ... # ts4mm # maxis match # ts4cc # custom content # cc finds # sims 4 athletic # sims 4 leggings # VS pink # my download # clothes . Find Sims 4 cc in SimsDay. In the Mods folder, there is a “Resource.cfg” file. Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods is the folder you need in order to install mods and cc. Open Sims 3, and start a new game, notice all your saved games are gone and mods/cc. See more ideas about sims 4, sims, maxis match. The mods folder needs to be in the same sims 4 folder that your saves, tray , screenshots folders are in. I've seen people complaining about having problems with Sims 4 saving their documents to One Drive with Windows 10. Sims 4 Ballet Cc Download Via My No Autonomously This will disable the autonmously Behaviour completley (will override the two other Addons) DOWNLOAD: Google Drive or DropBox (or download via my SimFileShare Folder if you cannot use both alternative Links above. See a recent post on Tumblr from @mr95sim about sims 4 tray files. Link: (click or copy) Jun 2, 2020 - Explore hotaru's board 'Must Have Sims 4 Maxis Match CC!' This site is considered the ultimate in Sims 4 CC. Make sure the content is for Sims 4 before you download it. Obviously, they decided that my site was no longer acceptable and they set up specific rules so that tumbex users no longer have access to the contents of tumblr. Enjoy =) password: packitsimsfolders . Goodbye~ It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. The Sims Resource is a website dedicated to CC, wikis, community forums, and resources to teach you how to create your own CC. ... I’m so upset because I lost all files that were stored on the hard drive of my laptop, including all cc that I haven’t released, unfinished projects, Nicki’s skin and sim on which I worked for few years - this hurt me the most. The Sims series was designed to be diverse, with multitudes of options for gameplay, one option being downloading custom content (CC). The Mods folder will generate inside the Sims 4 folder once you have launched the game with mods enabled. Sep 20, 2020 - Adding mod Creators links to their download sites here, If I remember to =P Also where I plan to put old downloads you can still find with a simple google deep dive AND Save Files!!!. Save the game and quit. through the other folder, i went to downloads and dragged my cc into the mods folder. Don’t forget to credit me and Subscribe. Sadly, its because I’ve had to remove sims from my computer. adult content is ok thanks in advance. I wanted to release some collections and hair this month. bobur-tsr:. The source of this problem is Installing Mods in The Sims 4 The process for downloading both CC and Mods is the same, so we will cover them both at once. Yes, the graphics are better in The Sims 4, and the hair generally looks better, but I do miss having the option of fully customizing my Sims’ hair. Curly hair The Sims 4/Angie. If it is, try moving your whole mods folder to the desktop.
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When you think short hair, you think cute. Trendy. Modern. Unique. Low-maintenance.
And about half a dozen other synonyms that basically mean “cool.”
I’m inclined to agree. There’s just something so effortlessly awesome about short hair – especially when it’s artfully styled.
Channeling that same energy in The Sims 4, I decided to curate a list of all the best short CC hairstyles for ladies in TS4 – no particular order for this one.
Check them out!
1. Newsea Footprint Retexture by Aveira
Who doesn’t appreciate a short, layered hairstyle with wispy ends and a mad side-part?
Aveira’s retexture of Newsea’s Footprint hair adds 70 custom colors for you to play with, and they all look stunning!
There’s a decent selection of neutrals, naturals, darks, lights, and dyes.
I particularly love the softer, brighter color swatches. Because they make the hair look absolutely whimsical.
The download link includes the mesh too, so no need to download a separate file.
- Color Options: 70 custom colors
- Mesh Needed: Included in Download Link
2. S-Club’s Eric n22 Hair
How about a cool undercut hairstyle for your stylishly edgy Sim?
I think it’s great that this hair is available (and flattering!) for both male and female models.
The alpha CC texture works well with the pushed-to-the-side style, as do the color swatches. They’re a little limited, though, with only 13 custom colors to play with.
Not a lot of diversity with the shades.
It seems to favor more muted, somber, straw-colored colors. But that aside, this hairstyle is unique, distinct, and undeniably motorcycle-babe-cool.
- Color Options: 13 custom colors
- Mesh Needed: None
3. Wingssims’ Wings-OE0528 (+ Bonus Ombre Hair Retexture by Lisaminicatsims)
Wingssims’ Wings-OE0528 hairstyle is another short, wispy, whimsical hairdo that comes in the most gorgeous color palette I’ve seen so far.
Most of the 20 custom colors are shades of soft blonde, soft strawberry blonde, and light peach.
When used on a hairdo like this – all gentle waves and lightly curled tendrils – it looks so effortlessly ethereally elegant. That’s a lot of E’s!
I’ve tried it on both round faces and angular faces, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that this style flatters them both.
I also found a bonus ombre retexture of this hair made by Lisaminicatsims.
It adds 12 custom ombre options that are just as gorgeous as the original shades.
The combinations are so unique – like cotton-candy-teal-and-pink, ocean-blue-and-seafoam-beige, and sunrise-orange-and-dusky-purple – but oh-so delectable.
Trust me; it’s a real treat for the eyes.
- Color Options: 20 custom colors + 12 ombre custom colors
- Mesh Needed(Original Hairstyle): None
- Mesh Needed(Ombre Retexture): Wingssims
4. Dua Hair + Flower Accessory by Jao Custom Content
If you’ve got a Sim living it up – or planning to live it up – in the island paradise that is Sulani, then you have got to try this CC.
Jao’s Dua hair has gorgeously full waves that flow to just above shoulder height.
And the maxis match texture only serves to emphasize how thick and luxurious they are.
Color options for this CC are limited to 16 EA colors, but honestly? The hair looks so good, I can’t complain.
There’s also a bonus flower accessory (that you can find in Hats, not Accessories) that comes in 14 different colors.
I’d say that’s plenty of options for you to play mix-and-match with.
I particularly like the red flower with the blue-green hair. It just screams “I’m secretly a mermaid!,” you know?
- Color Options: 16 EA colors + 14 accessory colors
- Mesh Needed: None
5. Alicia Hair by Liliili
Looking for a stylishly sleek and spunky hairstyle to match your Sims’ dragon lady personality?
Then I highly recommend Liliili’s Alicia hair.
It’s a short, slightly layered cut that ends just above chin level. And it is the definition of I-mean-business in the best possible way.
Crisp, clean edges.
Strands neatly styled in place.
And a swoopy side bang that hides just a hint of face? This hairstyle is just so modish and chic.
- Color Options: 18 EA colors
- Mesh Needed: None
6. Wingssims’ Wings-OE0202
Just like the Alicia hair, Wingssims’ Wings-OE0202 CC is also quite trendy and sophisticated.
It’s cut to just around the ears and parted on the right.
The bangs and ends give the impression that the hair is quite wavy and difficult to tame, but that really only works in its favor.
I’m a big fan of the bangs that swoop in and out. I think it adds a lot of personality to the look.
It also frames the face without covering too much of it.
The color palette for this one is just like Wingssims’ other Wings hairstyle (the OE0528 one). It’s a gorgeous array of muted blondes and gently desaturated peaches and pinks.
And the fact that the ends have this soft, fluffy look to them just adds to the quiet-clouds-and-cotton-candy vibe.
- Color Options: 20 custom colors
- Mesh Needed: None

7. BLZ’s Roxanne Hair (+ Bonus Unicorn Hair Retexture by Margeh-75)
Joining S-Club’s Eric hair in the Undercuts United is BLZ’s Roxanne hair (along with Margeh-75’s Unicorn Hair retexture for more fun colors).
Let’s break that down.
I first found Margeh-75’s Unicorn Hair retexture and instantly fell in love with the crazy colors.
It needs the original mesh, though. Enter BLZ’s Roxanne hair – a gorgeous alpha CC undercut with some two-tone options (specifically for the roots and bangs).
You can install just Roxanne, but I highly recommend adding the Unicorn Hair retexture for even more fun color options.
The combinations are all kinds of tri-colored crazy (sometimes even four), but they work.
- Color Options: 14 custom colors + 8 unicorn custom colors
- Mesh Needed(Original Hairstyle): None
- Mesh Needed(Unicorn Hair Retexture): Roxanne
8. Sul—Sul’s Conjure Hair
The quintessential angled bob with the side fringe, Sul—Sul’s Conjure hairstyle is a solid, safe option that can make your female Sim look more youthful.
From the front, it may look a little plain.
But from the sides? That’s where the personality’s at!
The color swatches for this hairdo are a little limited, with only 13 custom colors to choose from. But they’re all pretty interesting – especially the tangerine orange and the one multi-colored pink-purple-orange-yellow option.
- Color Options: 13 custom colors
- Mesh Needed: None
9. Kismet’s Oceans and Clouds (Revamped)
This CC basically has three choices of roughly the same hair.
Biggest difference would be the color options. Next difference (though not as big) would be the texture.
Kismet’s Clouds hair CC is this fantastic, artfully messy bob that comes to just below the chin. The maxis match texture works so well with the hair’s design because it really emphasizes just how all over the place the strands are.
Some are curling in, some are sticking straight out, and others look like they were carelessly pushed into place.
It’s a distinct cut that’s equal parts innocent, trendy, and street-casual, and somehow the combination works.
Kismet’s Oceans CC is a longer, wavier version of Clouds. But it’s short enough that we can include it on this list, too.
She also revamped the Clouds hair to give it a more defined, “clayified” style.
Honestly, all three options – Oceans, Clouds, and Clouds Revamped – look amazing. Whichever you decide to download will really just fall to personal preference.
- Color Options: Clouds: 36 custom colors; includes 18 EA colors | Oceans: 2 custom colors; includes 18 EA colors | Clouds Revamped: 18 EA colors
- Mesh Needed(Clouds): No
- Mesh Needed(Oceans): Clouds
10. Gabbie Hair by aharris00britney
Now this is a personal favorite.
What can I say? I’m a sucker for natural curls and big, voluminous hair.
And aharrisoobritney’s Gabbie CC hair checks all boxes – and then some. This loosely curled hairstyle looks absolutely gorgeous with the maxis match texture.
The waves, the shorter pieces, and the unruly strands are all beautifully defined. And I especially love the little braid detail on the left.
It’s a small but oh-so-distinct piece of the hair that gives it so much more character.
The curls look so fresh and natural in dark colors, but I personally feel that bright colors really let the side braids pop.
- Color Options: 18 EA colors
- Mesh Needed: None
11. Meghewlett’s Yukino Hair in NoodlesCC Sorbet Remix Palette
For a truly sweet, innocent, fresh-faced look, try Meghewlett’s Yukino hair in NoodlesCC’s Sorbet Remix Palette.
You get 76 new custom colors on top of the original 18 EA colors, for a whopping 94 color options. And you can bet the swatch range is as diverse as can be.
Want green hair? Choose between emerald, lime, turquoise, and seafoam green.
You can’t just have blonde, no. There’s straw-colored, deep yellow, and sunflower.
Don’t even get me started on the naturals and neutrals of this palette. We’ll be here for days.
Point is, this cute, three-bangs bob looks great as is. But it’ll look even better with all the colors of the rainbow.
- Color Options: Yukino: 18 EA colors | Sorbet Remix: 76 custom colors
- Mesh Needed: Yukino
12. Simmerstesia’s Tangerina (part of Organic Flavors Hair Dump)
Tangerina is the kind of hairstyle that demands attention.
It’s big, it’s bold, and it’s unashamed.
Tight, bouffant curls just casually piled to one side and the barest hint of an undercut.
There’s no other hairstyle quite like this one. Which I think works perfectly for Sims that prefer a defined, eclectic, and unapologetically personal style.
And just look how gorgeous it looks on Sims with defined cheekbones!
Just note that the download link will lead you to five package files.
You’ll want to click on the package file with TANGERINA in the name. Unless you want to download all four hairstyles (and I can’t blame you, seriously, they all look fantastic), in which case you’d download the other three package files or the “organic flavors hair dump (all hairs)” RAR file.
- Color Options: 18 EA colors
- Mesh Needed: None
Sims 4 Content Hair
13. Marsosims’ Sehana Hair
For Simmers out there who are in love with vintage, retro, or Pin-Up Girl looks, the Sehana hair CC from Marsosims has got your name on it.
Soft curls, full bangs, and one side playfully tucked behind one ear?
Insert all the synonyms for “cute” here, because that’s what this hairstyle is.
It honestly looks great with most face shapes, but I find that the curls at the end just look so much better when framing a rounder or softer face shape.
But hey; personal preference trumps all, so you do you!
- Color Options: 18 EA colors
- Mesh Needed: None
14. Marsosims’ Nahi Hair
And continuing with the full-bangs, tucked-behind-one-ear theme is Nahi – still from Marsosims. This one is definitely a classic, typical bob.
You’ve got the hair teased inwards, the ends tucked in just so, and the side-swept bangs.
It’s neat, no-nonsense, and very much a flattering hairdo for any Sim.
I personally love how it gives off that stylishly unflustered vibe. Which probably means it’ll work great for Sims with chill, laidback personalities.
I especially love how it looks it in auburn and blonde.
- Color Options: 18 EA colors
- Mesh Needed: None
15. Greenllamas Maple Hair (+ Bonus Ombre Accessory)
This hairdo is an absolute treat.
The vanilla Maple hair is a beautiful hairstyle with soft waves and a middle part.
It’s got just enough volume on the bottom to flatter a heart-shaped face or a triangle face. The top is styled just enough that it can work with both round and wide-set face shapes, too.
It comes in 18 maxis match colors which, while not as diverse as I’d like, gives you enough options to be satisfied.
But then comes the fun part. The creator includes a bonus “ombre accessory” in this download.
It basically goes on top of the vanilla Maple hair and acts as a way to recolor the ends. So what you get is a beautifully-blended and highly customizable ombre hairstyle that works so well with the softly tousled waves.
The ombre accessory also comes in 18 EA color options.
But given that you can change the base hair color without changing the ombre accessory, I’d say that there are more than enough color combination possibilities to make even the most adventurous simmer satisfied.
- Color Options: Maple Hair: 18 EA colors | Ombre Accessory: 18 EA colors
- Mesh Needed: None
16. Greenllamas Soleil Hair
This creator lists the Soleil hair as one of their personal favorites. And I can definitely see why.
It’s kind of similar to Maple, only it’s a lot shorter and a lot curlier.
In fact, I would call some of the sections of the Soleil hair “crimped,” but only because there are some very obvious curls hidden amongst the waves.
Whereas Maple could make your Sim look like a modern modish art student, Soleil brings the girl-next-door vibes big-time.
It honestly made my Sim look so sweet and so approachable (which is a far cry from her usual look, believe me).
- Color Options: 18 EA colors
- Mesh Needed: None
17. Greenllamas Lois Hair
Speaking of a “girl next door” look, Greenllamas’ Lois hair CC is definitely a strong contender for the Mom Next Door crown (if there is such a thing).
The creator describes this hairstyle as hair that can make literally anyone “look like a mom.”
I have to agree. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
The gentle dips, slight poof, and cute side-part can make anyone look like the sweetest, most approachable Momma Sim this side of Willow Creek.
And the cute flower clip accessory that it comes with (which you can find in Hats – don’t ask) honestly completes the look a little too well.
- Color Options: 18 EA colors
- Mesh Needed: None
18. Anto Thorns Hair
Speaking of “mom” hairstyles, Anto’s Thorns hair is another short haired ‘do that looks pretty mature – especially if used on Sims with longer or angular faces.
Unlike the Lois hair, however, this CC is a little less “approachable momma” and a little more “momma who nailed the work-life-self balance.”
It’s a sleek, chic, and contemporary hairstyle that looks stunning in alpha CC texture.
The color palette for this one features a lot of pale blues and some unconventional greens.
But I’m personally a fan of the brownish-red swatch.
- Color Options: 18 custom colors
- Mesh Needed: None
19. Syaovu Niccole Hair
Making up for the woeful lack of blunt-cut bobs on this list is Syaovu’s Niccole hair – another personal favorite.
Unlike most of the items here, the ends of this hairdo actually jut outwards (as opposed to curling or swooping inwards).
It’s also slicked straight. No gentle waves or tight curls here, no sir.
But given the style, the length, and the “clayified” maxis match texture, I think the bluntness works well.
This one comes with its own cute bobby pin accessory, too. And this time, you can actually find it in Accessories.
- Color Options: Hair: 18 EA colors | Accessory: 38 custom colors
- Mesh Needed: None
20. Disanity-Sims Farren Hair
And here we have Disanity-Sims’ Farren hair; a cute, unique, blunt-cut bob that screams eclectic, trendy, and cool.
The impression is basically straight, short hair pulled back into several sections and neatly tied up.
Realistically speaking, short hair usually isn’t tied up or styled since it’s a pretty low-maintenance hairdo. So I get why there aren’t a lot of hairstyles like this.
But that just makes this Farren CC stand out all the more.
Sims 4 Hair Roots
It also comes with a bonus flower-crown-like accessory that you can (again) find in Hats. Or just snag a real crown. Your Sim girl is royalty, right?
- Color Options: 18 EA colors
- Mesh Needed: None