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Srimad bhagavatam - volume 11 - ekadasa skandam NOTE: PLEASE VISIT for uptodate postings on Srimad Bhagavatam dasamasakndam-chapter1.pdf. Download PDF’s: holy books, sacred texts, and spiritual PDF e-books in full length for free. Download the Bible, The Holy Quran, The Mahabharata, and thousands of free pdf ebooks on Buddhism, meditation, etc. Read the reviews and download the free PDF e-books.

The Bhagavata Purana, literally meaning Divine-Eternal Tales of The Supreme Lord, is considered the most important of the Puranas. The Puranas are believed to be compiled by Vyasa, the narrator and Bhagavad Gita, whose birth is dated at 3.374 BC. The Puranas, along with the Vedas and Itihaasas form the massive religious bedrock of the intellectual Hindu tradition.

These literary works of high quality go back in time to perhaps more than five millennia. In The Bhagavata Purana, complex religious and spiritual concepts like Advaita, Yoga, Bhakti, and Dharma are introduced for the first time. Download the English translation here as a free PDF-file (111 pages/1.3 MB):

The Bhagavata Purana, literally meaning Divine-Eternal Tales of The Supreme Lord, is considered the most important of the Puranas.
Published by: N. Krishhaswamy
Edition: The Bhagava Purana for the first time reader

Watch the introduction to The Bhagavata Purana by Edwin Bryant here:


Courtesy:Sri.Nurani Sangameswaran


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The previous chapter No.12 deals with the actions of Shri Krishna in rescuing his co-cowherds from the serpent known as the Aghasura.

Not only Lord Krishna bestows deliverance to the demon Aghasura, he rescues all his friends from the trap of death. Upon seeing these incidences even Lord Brahma got so much fascinated. He wanted to highlight the glories of Shri Krishna in much more detailed manner to the people of the world. With this intention Lord Brahma takes away the cowherds and the calves. Shri Krishna, searched for them in the forest and not finding them anywhere realized that this has been done by Lord Brahma.

However, Shri Krishna manifested Himself in the same forms and shapes of all the cowherds and the calves, without leaving any spot unchanged either in their physical behaviour or specific characteristics. Since they were all the manifestations of the Supreme Being Himself, the people of Gokulam and the mothers of the calves got attracted towards their children so much with the result that they started showering their love and affection to them in a manner which had not happened earlier at all.

After about an year or so, when Balarama saw these unusual behaviour on the part of the village elders as well as the cows, he realized that all the cowherds and the calves are the manifestations of Shri Krishna Himself only. He asks the reasons for the same for which Shri Krishna told him what had happened.

In the meantime, Brahma returned from His world, after depositing the cowherds and the calves snatched from the earth with his powers, just to see what were happening back in Gokulam in the absence of those cowherds and the calves. To His surprise, He found the same number of cowherds and the calves doing their routine actions as if nothing had happened. He was also astonished to see that they were the creations of Shri Krishna Himself, in fact much more superior in quality and perfection as He himself would have created otherwise. On further looking deeply into each of the cowherds and the calves, He could see each of them as the same form and shape of Sriman Narayana, each one equalling Him in dress, look and the radiance of effulgence.

Lord Brahma could not withstand the powers of the illusion created by Shri Krishna. Seeing His predicament, Shri Krishna removed that illusion whereafter Lord Brahma then saw only that Shri Krishna who was in search of the cowherds and the calves holding on his palm the bowl of rice (the picture as described in Stanza 14). Lord Brahma took away the cowherds when Shri Krishna went in search of the calves, which had disappeared. On return to the same place where they were all eating, He found his friends also missing. At that time Shri Krishna was holding on His palm a bowl of rice. So, Lord Brahma could realize that despite His taking away the cowherds and the calves, Shri Krishna managed every affair of activities in Gokulam without any difficulty, without even raising an iota of doubt about the missing cowherds and the calves. Such were the powers of Shri Krishna because even Lord Brahma had originated from His navel. Therefore, Shri Krishna had nowhere to go for finding the replacement for the cowherds and the calves as He Himself was capable of creating any being. Because they were all His own creations, all of them looked alike for Lord Brahma.

However, one interesting thing had happened during this process. When Lord Brahma deposited the children and the calves and returned to the earth, as per the time flow of His world, it was only a few seconds. However, in the earth the time factor for this period was one year. For full one year Shri Krishna had managed without any problem.

There is a reference in stanza 37 of Chapter 12 that when the children returned to their respective homes and explained about the deeds of Shri Krishna rescuing them from the death trap of Aghasura, it was explained as an event though happened just yesterday, had in fact happened one year ago. The time gap explains the different time zones between the Brahma loka and the earth. Shri Krishna was five years old at the time of the incidence with Aghasura whereas when the children while explaining the same to others as the incidence that had happened yesterday, Shri Krishna was already six years old. This explains the difference in the time zone. To refresh the memory the meaning of stanza 37 of Chapter 12 is repeated below:

( etat karma) This incidence, ( dṛṣṭvā ) which was seen ( bālāḥ ) by the Gopa children, ( mṛtyoḥ ) of rescuing His people from the mouth of death ( ātmāhi-mokṣaṇam ) and granting deliverance to Aghasura, who was in the form of a giant snake, ( kaumārajaṁ ) all of which happened within His age of five years ( hareḥ ) of Sri Krishna, ( ucuḥ ) were presented ( vraje ) to the people of Vrindavana by them (the Gopa children) ( vismitāḥ ) as the most wonderful incidence ( paugaṇḍake ) happened during the age of the sixth year of Sri Krishna.

Bhagavatam Dasama Skandam In Telugu Pdf Free Download

Lord Brahma, having got astonished about the powers of Shri Krishna, submits Himself before Him with all humility. This chapter No.13 explains what all happened in Gokulam during that one year and how the people of Gokulam and the cows treated the creations of Shri Krishna very endearingly. Lord Brahma, after paying His obeisances to Shri Krishna praises Him. These are appearing in the next Chapter No.14. The Chapter No. 13 is very beautiful in expression of love towards that Supreme Almighty and the detailed descriptions about each and every event during that one full year are marvelous.



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For full reading of Chapter 13, Volume 10 and also other chapters and volumes of Srimad Bhagavatam, please visit the following websites:
